Summer Course in Primary Education

Preparing Primary School Teachers for Real World Science Education

Summer course in Primary Science Education now open for Enrolment

Venue: Institute of Education, DCU St. Patrick’s Campus. Date: July 2n– July 6th 2018

Approved by the Department of Education for EPV Days

This course will provide teachers of 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th class with the knowledge, skills, and resources to support teaching primary science through real world issues.

Participants will be given the opportunity to explore the content of the primary science curriculum through the lens of current issues that are relevant to the children’s everyday lives.

The course will support teachers to engage their pupils in hands-on, real world, creative activities that will engage, motivate and inspire.

For example participants will:

  •  Explore the importance of bees to the food we eat every day.
  •  Conduct fair test investigations using plastic cups. How are they damaging our environment?
  •  Design a solution to our water problems using LEGO and robotics.
  •  Create a wind turbine and participle in a wind energy debate.

Through these local and global issues, teachers will gain practical experience of developing children’s scientific skills through engagement with: hands-on experiments; child-led investigations; design and make activities; the outdoors; engineering challenges; LEGO Education and much more.

In September 2018, follow-up professional development will be provided to teachers who wish to avail of additional mentoring and support in the upcoming school year.

This course is supported by DCU, School of STEM Education, Innovation and Global Studies and the

Centre for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning (CASTeL Research Centre).

Enrol now at

Course Fee: €50 (including lunch, tea/coffee, teacher resource book and supplementary materials)

For more information please contact