Enhancing the teaching and learning of Energy at Junior Cycle
Energy in Energy is an exciting new programme developed by CASTeL, to facilitate Junior Cycle students to learn about energy. The programme provides a range of activities that investigate energy in a real world way, exploring how and why as a society, we need to develop new ways of looking at our energy resources. Exploring our Energy is underpinned by and supports the Junior Cycle Curricula in Science, CSPE, Geography and Home Economics. The activities in this programme will help young people to develop their knowledge about energy, energy efficiency and conservation through inquiry pedagogy. CASTeL facilitates a teacher education programme for science teachers to experience the programme and activities as a learner and to support teachers in adopting an inquiry approach for the teaching of energy concepts at Junior Cycle level. The teachers’ brochure (teachers-guide) gives a brief outline of the resources which can be individually downloaded from their website here.