Maths4All, in conjunction with Clare Education Centre, was delighted to host our second online TeachMeet on Wednesday 24th February. Maths4All is a project run by a number of CASTeL members and is funded by Science Foundation Ireland. A large number of teachers attended and engaged enthusiastically with the ideas of the presenters. Presentations from our previous October TeachMeet can be explored here.
We also look forward to a second webinar in conjunction with Clare Education Centre on March 25th. The goal of this webinar is to provide practical advice on using a problem-solving approach to teach the strand of Number. Presenters, Patrick Neary and Siún Nic Mhuirí, will use short video clips and examples of children’s work, which were gathered as part of the Maths4All project, to help illustrate the potential of a problem-solving approach to teaching mathematics.