Name | Eilish McLoughlin |
School | Physical Sciences |
Dr. Eilish McLoughlin is the Director of the Centre for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning (CASTeL) and an academic member of the School of Physical Sciences at Dublin City University (DCU). She obtained her Ph.D. (2000) in Surface Physics and is a member of the Institute of Physics and a Chartered Physicist. She was a recipient of the DCU President’s Award for Teaching and Learning and also a recipient of the DCU Teaching Fellowship in 2005 and received a National Award for Teaching Excellence in 2010. She has served as an advisor to the Irish Government on initiatives in science and mathematics and as an expert evaluator of the EU FP7 programme. She is a member of several international boards in science education, including IUPAP Physics Education, ESERA, Science on Stage and is current co-chair of the Institute of Physics (IOP) in Ireland Education group |
Eilish is actively involved in research on STEM education, focusing on STEM teacher education at both pre-service and in-service levels as well as pedagogy and assessment at second and third level. Her research interests are in the implementation of innovative pedagogies, such as inquiry based learning and interdisciplinary approaches and the effective use of digital learning. She has played a leading role in two major pan-European projects focussed on teacher education in Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) – including coordinator of the FP7 ESTABLISH project (2010-2014) and was a member of the coordinating team on the FP7 SAILS project (2012-2015). |
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