Lorraine Harbison was invited to give a workshop at the IMTA annual conference: Embedding Inclusion in the Maths Classroom. Her workshop was aimed specifically towards teachers of first-year students and looked at the engaging all learners in working mathematically using problem-posing tasks to which students have agency and ownership in producing their own mathematical content.
Judith Callan-Gough presented on a Maths Eyes initiative carried out in her school, Edmund Rice College in Carrigaline, with the support of Lorraine, through the Teaching Council Researcher in Residence scheme. She showcased how all students were motivated to learn, demonstrating an increase in their sophistication in devising problems, presenting different solution pathways, drawing conclusions, and explaining their reasoning.
This was followed by an interactive creative mathematically writing session facilitated by Nora Nic Con Ultaigh from Fighting Words. Participants laughed as they created an alternative Equivalent universe where a lonely girl called Ms Unknown wanted to know what her value was. Seeking the help of her best friend, Al, she sincerely hoped that she wouldn’t be an Imaginary Number!
If you would like to know more, the tasks featured in this workshop are available on www.mathscify.org.