Supporting the development of teaching skills for adopting inquiry-based science education at second level
The ESTABLISH project, coordinated by CASTeL, was focused on supporting teachers in adopting Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE) in the second level classroom. The project partners collaborated with key stakeholders, from across industry and education, to develop 18 IBSE teaching and learning units which serve as exemplary IBSE materials and are openly shared to inspire, guide and stimulate the further development of IBSE resources and practices. In addition, teacher education programmes in IBSE have been developed and adopted across the 11 participating countries and an online programme for is freely provided that introduces and develops teaching skills relevant to IBSE. The impact of the ESTABLISH project is an increased understanding, attitude and ability of teachers to use IBSE in their classrooms; increased student’s motivation and communication during lessons; greater student attitude towards science and taking up careers in science or technology; and increased interaction between those teaching and learning about science and those using science.