Deirdre Butler, a professor at DCU’s Institute of Education, presented her keynote presentation on “Designing sustainable digital transformation of learning: BC/AC” at the Third European Education Summit on 10th December 2020.
The Third European Education Summit provides the opportunity to stakeholders, including national education ministers, Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and representatives of the education and training ecosystem, to gather online to:
- discuss the digital transformation of Europe’s education systems in the context of the COVID-19 recovery
- exchange experiences and best practices in mitigating the effects of COVID-19 on education and training provision
- provide feedback on the Commission’s vision to create a European Education Area by 2025 and to implement the Digital Education Action Plan.
The coronavirus pandemic has caused widespread disruption to education and training provision by schools, higher education institutions, early childhood education and care (ECEC), vocational and non-formal education centres, across Europe. The crisis has shown that the use of distance and online learning is essential to ensuring the continuity of education and training provision. Yet, numerous obstacles impede the full deployment of online and distance learning, including:
- lacking availability of stable, high-speed internet connectivity and suitable devices
- the exclusion of learners who do not have access to necessary technology
- difficulties in adapting to distance and online learning among educators and training staff
- challenges for parents and carers in combining work and supporting their children’s learning.
Together, we can build a resilient European Education Area which addresses challenges, such as sustainability, digitalisation and ensuring inclusivity.