Name | Dr. Sinead Breen |
School | Mathematical Sciences |
Dr. Sinead Breen is a lecturer in the School of Mathematical Sciences, having previously worked in St Patrick’s College Drumcondra and Maynooth University. Her PhD in asymptotic analysis was undertaken in DCU and she also completed a postgraduate Cert in Education with the Open University on Researching Mathematics Learning. Sinéad has served on the Dublin branch committee and the National Council of the Irish Mathematics Teacher Association, and on the Irish Mathematical Society committee. |
Sinead’s research interests are in mathematics education, particularly at undergraduate level and at senior cycle of second-level. These include the classification of mathematical tasks currently used for mathematics teaching and assessment at second level in Ireland and exploring the means by which (higher order) mathematical thinking skills can be developed, in particular through the careful design and implementation of mathematical tasks. Sinéad has also been involved in projects engaging in inquiry into and reflection on one’s own teaching practice as a form of continuous professional development using different methodologies such as Lesson Study and Mason’s Discipline of Noticing. |
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