Participation in the IrEUSO is by invitation only. The finalists are selected on the basis Junior Certificate Examination results. The State Examination Commission (SEC) identifies the high achievers in Maths & Science in the Junior Certificate Examination (must include A in Mathematics and Science).

If you wish to take part in the IrEUSO return the completed Registration Form before the closing date.

There is no registration fee and no participation fee for the IrEUSO. The student must pay all his/her own expenses incurred in travelling to and from DCU and any other personal costs incurred, e.g. B&B, meals etc.

The students must be under sixteen years of age on December 31 on the year of the Irish EUSO, usually held in October/November prior to the EUSO. The EUSO takes place the following April/May. The European Union Science Olympiad (EUSO) is a team competition for EU second level school science students who are 16 years of age or younger on the December 31st prior to the competition.

The list of returned applications is published on this web site on the date which is in the covering letter.

Email the team leaders immediately and resend your completed forms by email.

The tests are usually Multi Choice Questionnaires (MCQ) in Biology, Chemistry & Physics. The scientific committee may administer an additional reasoning test. The Biology, Chemistry & Physics Tests are run simultaneously.

YES. On the Registration Form you must indicate which subject you are taking.

YES. You can change your choice of subject at registration on the day.

NO, and do not ask for them. The test change every year. You are encouraged to read around the subject area. You will be presented with material that you may not have met in school that will require scientific reasoning skills, problem-solving abilities and knowledge to solve problems.

Pass Leaving Certificate.


Approximately three hours.

Calculator, pen, pencil, eraser, ruler, etc.

Take a break of approximately one hour. DCU cafes and shops are open. The closing ceremony will then take place.

All finalists are requested to and expected to attend the closing ceremony. If you wish to be excused please inform the Director.

All participants will receive a specially designed certificate.

The top student in each subject will receive gold medals, the next student in each subject silver medals and the next two in each subject will receive bronze medals.

All medal winners will be invited to participate in Practical Training in February/March and after a further assessment, the top six (6) students will be selected to represent Ireland at the EUSO.