CASTeL members, together with teachers and preschool practitioners, have developed the website, funded by SFI Discover. The website contains activity plans, continuous professional development materials and video clips from Irish primary and pre-school classes. It showcases tasks and teaching practices aligned with key elements from the proposed new primary curriculum and/or the Aistear framework.
Available activity plans are suitable from preschool to third class. The website offers a video-based approach to continuous professional development and modules relating to mathematical tasks, talk and the use of play and picture books are available.
Currently we are working to develop new continuous professional development modules and extend the activity plans on offer to include the senior classes of primary school. We have developed a short survey to understand teachers’ preferences in terms of content and format.If you are interested in participating, please see link below. The survey takes 5-10 minute and all data is collected anonymously. If you have any questions, please contact , Maths4All Survey.