ESERA 2017 Opening Ceremony on 21 August welcomed 1522 delegates from 57 countries to Dublin City University with 453 early career researchers attending. The theme of the ESERA 2017 conference, Research, Practice and Collaboration in Science Education underlines aspects of great relevance in contemporary STEM education research: the need to reflect on different approaches to enhancing our knowledge of learning processes and the role of context, designed or circumstantial, formal or in-formal, in STEM teaching and learning. The week long programme involves 4 keynote presentations, 12 workshops, 203 poster, 344 symposium and 683 oral presentation.
The 12th conference of the European Science Education Research Association, ESERA 2017, is co-hosted by Dublin City University (DCU) and University of Limerick (UL) from August 21st to 25th. The organization of the ESERA 2017 conference is led by STEM Education Professors Eilish McLoughlin, Odilla Finlayson, Sibel Erduran and Peter Childs from the Irish STEM education research centers CASTeL and Epi-Stem. The local conference team of 48 STEM education researchers from the CASTeL and Epi-STEM research centres are providing support to all conference presenters and delegates during the week in partnership with Keynote PCO.
ESERA 2017 Programme details are on