Eilish McLoughlin has co-edited the third handbook of “Connecting Research in Physics Education with Teacher Education” with Jenaro Guisasola from the University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain. This handbook has been commissioned and published by the International Commission on Physics Education (ICPE), which was established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics in 1960 to promote the exchange of information and views among the members of the international scientific community in Physics Education. The first handbook, published in 1997 was edited by A. Tiberghien, E. L. Jossem and J.Barojas and the second, published in 2008 was edited by M. Vicentini and E. Sassi. The purpose of this series of handbooks, “Connecting Research in Physics Education with Teacher Education”, is to provide a structured, documented and critical review of extant Physics Education Research (PER) and serve as an important platform for discussion and debate on appropriate strategies and innovations in physics education. Handbook 3 reflects the fact that the Physics Education globally is currently in a process of development and change, as evidenced by contributions at different International Forums and Conferences and includes 14-chapter contributions from international researchers in physics education.
Contributions include:
- Chapter 1 Preparing Physics Students for 21st Century Careers, Paula Heron and Laurie McNeil
- Chapter 2 Using history of physics to teach physics? Ricardo Karam and Nathan Lima
- Chapter 3 Quantum Mechanics in Teaching and Learning physics: Research-based educational paths for secondary school, Marisa Michelini and Alberto Stefanel
- Chapter 4 Introducing Einsteinian Physics in High School and College Irene Arriassecq and Ileana M. Greca
- Chapter 5 Research-guided physics teaching: Foundations, enactment, and outcomes Stamatis Vokos, Lane Seeley, and Eugenia Etkina
- Chapter 6 The educational implications of the relationship between Physics and Mathematics, Mieke De Cock
- Chapter 7 Physics Teachers’ Professional Knowledge and Motivation, Stefan Sorge, Melanie M. Keller and Knut Neumann
- Chapter 8 Experimentation in physics education, Elizabeth J. Angstmann and Manjula D. Sharma
- Chapter 9 Multimedia in Physics Education, David Sokoloff
- Chapter 10 Research-based design of teaching learning sequences: Description of an iterative process, Jenaro Guisasola, Jaume Ametller, Kristina Zuza and Paulo Sarriugarte
- Chapter 11 Designing curriculum to introduce contemporary topics to physics lectures, Mojca Čepič
- Chapter 12 Inquiry approaches in physics education, Eilish McLoughlin and Dagmara Sokolowska
- Chapter 13 An Overview of Informal Physics Education, Michael Bennett, Noah Finkelstein and Dena Izadi
- Chapter 14 Science Education in the Post-Truth Era, N. G. Holmes, Anna McLean Phillips and David Hammer
To access this handbook, please visit https://zenodo.org/record/5792968