GIREP-ICPE-EPEC 2017 conference commences Monday July 3rd in DCU with approximately 300 national and international researchers attending to discuss the issues and challenges facing physics education. This conference is chaired by CASTeL researchers, Eilish McLoughlin and Paul van Kampen, and jointly organised by the Conference of International Research Group on Physics Teaching (GIREP), European Physical Society – Physics Education Division (EPS PED) and International Conference on Physics Education (ICPE) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).The theme of the conference is”Bridging Research and Practice in Physics Teaching and Learning” and will include a series of presentations and plenary speakers over the five days, highlighting issues such as physics teaching, learning and assessment around the world; women in physics, the challenges facing those who teach physics and physics in developing countries.
GIREP-ICPE-EPEC2017 Host Organisations: Brian Mac Craith, Marisa Michelini, Paul van Kampen, David Sands, Hideo Nitta, Kevin McGuigan, Eilish McLoughlin
Commenting on the upcoming conference, Professor Eilish McLoughlin, Director of CASTel said: “CASTel is delighted to host this trio of international physics education conferences. 2017 is a landmark year for STEM education in Ireland following the launch of the National STEM Education Review Report and CASTel researchers hosting three major international STEM education conferences with CERME held in February 2017 and ESERA being held 21-25 August”.
This year’s plenary speakers include CASTeL’s Paul van Kampen, Associate Professor in the School of Physical Sciences. Paul is interested primarily in how students develop scientific understanding and reasoning. He teaches physics and physics education at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and is heavily involved in science teacher education. The 2017 GIREP Conference takes place at the Helix, July 3rd to July 7th. For further details on the full programme go to